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Marc Seal Marc Seal

Guitar > Rock > Beginner with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Introduction and Warm-Up

          Buy lesson 1.1. Learning from These clips
          Buy lesson 1.2. Warm Up Before You Play
          Buy lesson 1.3. More Warm Up Exercises
Chapter 2: Name the Notes on the Neck

          Buy lesson 1.4. Open String Names and More
          Buy lesson 1.5. The Notes on The Neck Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.6. Name Every Note Every Fret
Chapter 3: Intro to Rock Chords

          Buy lesson 1.7. Rock Chords for Beginners [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.8. More Chords For Rock Beginners
          Buy lesson 1.9. Still More Beginner Rock Chords
          Buy lesson 1.10. Intro to Guitar Tablature
          Buy lesson 1.11. Chord Diagrams Explained
          Buy lesson 1.12. Intro to Traditional Music Notation
Chapter 4: Rock Chord Progressions

          Buy lesson 1.13. Group Chords into Rock Songs
          Buy lesson 1.14. Drills to Learn Basic Rock Chords
          Buy lesson 1.15. Fight Through Your Early Frustration
Chapter 5: More About Chords and Progressions

          Buy lesson 1.16. Build Chords into Songs
          Buy lesson 1.17. More Chords Become Songs
          Buy lesson 1.18. Still More Chords to Make Rock Songs
          Buy lesson 1.19. Problems with Playing Chords
          Buy lesson 1.20. Intro to the 7th Chord Sound
          Buy lesson 1.21. Add 7th Chords into Songs
          Buy lesson 1.22. Marc Motivates You
Chapter 6: Intro to Rock Power Chords

          Buy lesson 1.23. Basic Power Chords
          Buy lesson 1.24. Major / Minor Power Chords
          Buy lesson 1.25. More and Better Power Chords to Play
Chapter 7: Preview and Farewell

          Buy lesson 1.26. Preview of Level B Rock
          Buy lesson 1.27. Farewell to Level A Rock

Guitar > Rock > Beginner - Intermediate with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Introduction / Hints / Warm-Ups

          Buy lesson 2.1. Welcome to Rock Level B
          Buy lesson 2.2. How to Learn from Clips
          Buy lesson 2.3. Warm Up Right Every Time
          Buy lesson 2.4. Warmup Properly Every Time You Play
Chapter 2: Reviewing the Notes on the Neck

          Buy lesson 2.5. How to Find Every Note on the Neck
          Buy lesson 2.6. More on How to Find Every Note on the Guitar
          Buy lesson 2.7. Final: Every Note on the Neck
Chapter 3: Intro to Scales

          Buy lesson 2.8. What are Scales
          Buy lesson 2.9. Intro to the Major Scale
          Buy lesson 2.10. Intro to the Minor Scale
          Buy lesson 2.11. Major / Minor Scale Differences
          Buy lesson 2.12. Each Major Scale is Minor Too
          Buy lesson 2.13. Marc Demos the Scales
Chapter 4: Left-Hand Techniques

          Buy lesson 2.14. Pull-offs and Hammer-ons
          Buy lesson 2.15. Intro to Bending Strings
          Buy lesson 2.16. Intro to Sliding Notes
          Buy lesson 2.17. How to Add String Vibrato
Chapter 5: Intro to Bar Chords

          Buy lesson 2.18. Intro to Rock Bar Chords [FREE]
          Buy lesson 2.19. First Six String Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.20. More Six String Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.21. Bar Chords with 5th String Roots
          Buy lesson 2.22. Halfway Through Level B Rock
Chapter 6: Effects - Clean Sound & Distortion

          Buy lesson 2.23. How to Get a Great Clean Sound
          Buy lesson 2.24. More on a Great Clean Sound
          Buy lesson 2.25. Intro to the Distortion Effects
          Buy lesson 2.26. Famous Gear: Boss OD1 Pedal
          Buy lesson 2.27. The Boss Distortion 1 Pedal
          Buy lesson 2.28. Hendrix the Distortion King
Chapter 7: Major Scale Patterns and Positions

          Buy lesson 2.29. Five Patterns for Major Scales
          Buy lesson 2.30. The Second Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.31. The Third Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.32. The Fourth Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.33. The Fifth Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.34. Learn to Move Between Scale Patterns
          Buy lesson 2.35. Examples of All Five Scale Patterns
Chapter 8: Preview and Farewell

          Buy lesson 2.36. Check Out Level C Rock
          Buy lesson 2.37. Adios to Level B Rock
Chapter 9: Extra

          Buy lesson 2.38. Use Chord Diagrams to Play
          Buy lesson 2.39. Learn Guitar Tab - Review
          Buy lesson 2.40. Learn Basic Music Reading - Review

Guitar > Rock > Intermediate with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Hints for Best Learning

          Buy lesson 3.1. Welcome to Level C Rock
          Buy lesson 3.2. Best Way to Use These Lessons
Chapter 2: Review Positions of the Major Scale

          Buy lesson 3.3. Review the 5 Major Patterns
          Buy lesson 3.4. Review 2nd Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.5. Review 3d Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.6. Review 4th Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.7. Review 5th Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.8. Apply the Scales in Music - Reviewed
          Buy lesson 3.9. Hear all Five Major Scale Patterns at Work
Chapter 3: More About Bar Chords

          Buy lesson 3.10. Turn Any Chord into a Bar Chord
          Buy lesson 3.11. Special Bar Forms for Seventh Chords
          Buy lesson 3.12. Special Bar Forms for 9th Chords
          Buy lesson 3.13. Maximize Your Practice Habits
Chapter 4: Effects - The Reverb Family

          Buy lesson 3.14. Intro to Reverb Effects
          Buy lesson 3.15. Lots of Different Reverb Sounds
          Buy lesson 3.16. Still More Reverb Sounds
          Buy lesson 3.17. Intro to Chorus Effects
          Buy lesson 3.18. Beyond Chorus to Flanger
          Buy lesson 3.19. Phaser Effects Explained
          Buy lesson 3.20. Juice Up with the Level C Peptalk
Chapter 5: Advanced Power Chords and Arpeggios

          Buy lesson 3.21. Unorthodox Power Chord Voicings
          Buy lesson 3.22. Arpeggiated Chord Playing
          Buy lesson 3.23. Harder Arpeggios to Challenge You
          Buy lesson 3.24. The Hardest Arpeggios We Know
          Buy lesson 3.25. Mix Strums and Arpeggios
          Buy lesson 3.26. Arpeggios Applied in Solos and Fills
Chapter 6: Blues Scale Patterns and Positions

          Buy lesson 3.27. Scale patterns for the Blues
          Buy lesson 3.28. Second Blues Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.29. 3d Blues Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.30. 4th Blues Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.31. 5th Blues Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 3.32. How to Practice Those Blues Scales
          Buy lesson 3.33. Intro to the Pentatonic Blues Note
Chapter 7: Preview and Farewell

          Buy lesson 3.34. Check Out Level D Rock
          Buy lesson 3.35. So Long to Level C Rock

Guitar > Rock > Intermediate - Advanced with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Hints for Best Learning

          Buy lesson 4.1. Welcome to Level D Rock
          Buy lesson 4.2. Get the Most from Your Lessons
Chapter 2: Review Positions of the Blues Scale

          Buy lesson 4.3. Review Blues Pattern 1
          Buy lesson 4.4. Review Blues Pattern 2
          Buy lesson 4.5. Review Blues Pattern 3
          Buy lesson 4.6. Review Blues Pattern 4
          Buy lesson 4.7. Review Blues Pattern 5
          Buy lesson 4.8. Review Your Blues Practice
          Buy lesson 4.9. Review the Pentatonic Blues Scale
Chapter 3: Advanced Bar and Jazz Chords

          Buy lesson 4.10. Make up Your Own New Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 4.11. Big Stretch Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 4.12. Challenging Jazz chords
          Buy lesson 4.13. Get the Most from Practice Time
Chapter 4: Muting Techniques in Rock

          Buy lesson 4.14. Intro to Palm Muting
          Buy lesson 4.15. More Muting Techniques
          Buy lesson 4.16. Where to Put Your Hands on the Guitar
Chapter 5: Speed- & Sweep-Picking

          Buy lesson 4.17. Begin to Speed pick
          Buy lesson 4.18. Dodge Speed Pick Problems
          Buy lesson 4.19. Harder Sweep Picking
          Buy lesson 4.20. Hear Marc Sweep Pick
          Buy lesson 4.21. Intro to Speed Picking
Chapter 6: Tapping Techniques

          Buy lesson 4.22. Intro to Tap Techniques
          Buy lesson 4.23. Reverse/Backward Tapping
          Buy lesson 4.24. Combine Tapping Techniques
          Buy lesson 4.25. Van Halens Tapping Explored [FREE]
          Buy lesson 4.26. Halfway Through Rock Level D
Chapter 7: Effects - Delay

          Buy lesson 4.27. How to Use Delay Effects
          Buy lesson 4.28. More About Delay Effects
          Buy lesson 4.29. Tricks with Delay effects
          Buy lesson 4.30. Delay Pioneer David Gilmore
Chapter 8: Harmonic Minor Scale Patterns

          Buy lesson 4.31. Learn the Complex Harmonic Minor Scale
          Buy lesson 4.32. Harmonic Minor Pattern 2
          Buy lesson 4.33. Harmonic Minor Pattern 3
          Buy lesson 4.34. Harmonic Minor Pattern 4
          Buy lesson 4.35. Harmonic Minor pattern 5
          Buy lesson 4.36. How to Compose a Solo
Chapter 9: Whammy Bar Tricks & Effects

          Buy lesson 4.37. Intro to Whammy Bar
          Buy lesson 4.38. Whammy Tricks With Clean Chords
          Buy lesson 4.39. Great Rock Gallop Rhythm
          Buy lesson 4.40. Prepare for Your Gigs
          Buy lesson 4.41. All the Gear You Need to Gig
Chapter 10: Preview & Farewell

          Buy lesson 4.42. Look Ahead to Rock Level E
          Buy lesson 4.43. Level D Done - You Rock!

Guitar > Rock > Advanced with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Hints for Best Learning

          Buy lesson 5.1. Welcome to Level E Rock
          Buy lesson 5.2. Practice Each Clip Till You Master It.
Chapter 2: Advanced / Jazz Chords

          Buy lesson 5.3. Very Challenging Chords
          Buy lesson 5.4. For Hard Chords Try Jazz
          Buy lesson 5.5. Advice on Perfecting Practice Time
Chapter 3: Review the Harmonic Minor Scale

          Buy lesson 5.6. Review Harmonic Minor Scale
          Buy lesson 5.7. Review Harmonic Minor Pattern 2
          Buy lesson 5.8. Review Harmonic Minor Pattern 3
          Buy lesson 5.9. Review Harmonic Minor Pattern 4
          Buy lesson 5.10. Review Harmonic Minor Pattern 5
Chapter 4: Advanced Speed- & Sweep-Picking

          Buy lesson 5.11. Hardest Sweep Picking Methods
          Buy lesson 5.12. Check Out Advanced Sweep Picking
          Buy lesson 5.13. Vary Speed Picking on Odd Counts
          Buy lesson 5.14. Halfway Through Rock Level E
Chapter 5: Advanced Tapping Techniques

          Buy lesson 5.15. Add Slides to Your Tap Technique
          Buy lesson 5.16. Add Bends to Your Tap Technique
          Buy lesson 5.17. Insanely Advanced Tap Techniques
          Buy lesson 5.18. Advanced Tapping Demo 1
          Buy lesson 5.19. Tap Off Open Strings
Chapter 6: Artificial Harmonics

          Buy lesson 5.20. Intro to Fretted Harmonics
          Buy lesson 5.21. More Fretted Harmonics
          Buy lesson 5.22. Play Entire Chords as Harmonics
Chapter 7: Pro Hints & Advanced Whammy Bar

          Buy lesson 5.23. Advanced Whammy Bar Tricks
          Buy lesson 5.24. More Advanced Whammy Tricks
          Buy lesson 5.25. Refine Your Tone by Pick Technique
          Buy lesson 5.26. Take Inspiration from Better Players
          Buy lesson 5.27. Getting Along in Bands
          Buy lesson 5.28. Marcs All Time Worst Moment Onstage
          Buy lesson 5.29. Farewell from Level E Rock

Guitar > Blues > Beginner with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Warm-Up

          Buy lesson 1.1. Welcome to Blues Level A
          Buy lesson 1.2. Learning from these Blues Clips
          Buy lesson 1.3. Warm Up Before You Play Blues
          Buy lesson 1.4. Chromatic Drills and Exercises for Blues
Chapter 2: The Notes on the Neck

          Buy lesson 1.5. The Notes on the Neck Pt 1 (Blues) [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.6. The Notes on the Neck Pt 2 (Blues)
          Buy lesson 1.7. Understanding Sharps and Flats in Blues
Chapter 3: Beginning Blues Chords

          Buy lesson 1.8. Chords for Blues Beginners
          Buy lesson 1.9. More Chords for Blues Beginners
          Buy lesson 1.10. Still More Beginner Blues Chords
          Buy lesson 1.11. Chord Association (Blues)
          Buy lesson 1.12. Drills to Learn Basic Blues Chords
          Buy lesson 1.13. Halfway Though Level A Blues
Chapter 4: Intro to Chord Progressions

          Buy lesson 1.14. Common Chord Progressions (Blues)
          Buy lesson 1.15. Common Chord Progressions Pt 2 (Blues)
          Buy lesson 1.16. Common Chord Progressions Pt 3 (Blues)
          Buy lesson 1.17. Problems with Playing Blues Chords
          Buy lesson 1.18. Intro to the 7th Chord Sound in Blues
          Buy lesson 1.19. Add 7th Chords into Blues Songs
          Buy lesson 1.20. Stay Motivated in Blues!
Chapter 5: Power Chords / Preview / Farewell

          Buy lesson 1.21. Basic Blues Power Chords
          Buy lesson 1.22. Major / Minor Blues Power Chords
          Buy lesson 1.23. More and Better Blues Power chords
          Buy lesson 1.24. See Whats in Level B Blues
          Buy lesson 1.25. Goodbye to Level A Blues

Guitar > Blues > Beginner - Intermediate with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Warm-Up

          Buy lesson 2.1. Welcome to Blues Level B
          Buy lesson 2.2. Warm Up Right Every Time
          Buy lesson 2.3. Warm-Up Drills - Part 2
Chapter 2: Review - The Notes on the Neck

          Buy lesson 2.4. The Notes on the Neck - Reviewed
          Buy lesson 2.5. The Notes on the Neck Pt 2 - Reviewed
          Buy lesson 2.6. Notes on Neck Pt 3 - Sharps and Flats - Review
Chapter 3: Intro to Blues Scales

          Buy lesson 2.7. What are the Scales?
          Buy lesson 2.8. Introducing the Major Scale
          Buy lesson 2.9. Introducing the Minor Scale
          Buy lesson 2.10. The Major / Minor Scale Differences
          Buy lesson 2.11. Every Major Scale is Also a Minor Scale
          Buy lesson 2.12. Marc Demonstrates the Scales
Chapter 4: Bar Chords in the Blues

          Buy lesson 2.13. Intro to Blues Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.14. Sixth-String Root Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.15. More Sixth-String Root Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.16. Fifth-String Root Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.17. Halfway Through Level B Blues
Chapter 5: Clean vs Distorted Sound

          Buy lesson 2.18. How to Get a Great Clean Sound
          Buy lesson 2.19. More on a Great Clean Sound
          Buy lesson 2.20. Intro to the Distortion Effects
          Buy lesson 2.21. Distortion in the Sound of Jimi Hendrix
Chapter 6: Patterns for the Major Scale

          Buy lesson 2.22. Five Patterns for Major Scales
          Buy lesson 2.23. The Second Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.24. The Third Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.25. The Fourth Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.26. The Fifth Major Scale Pattern
          Buy lesson 2.27. Learn to Move Between Scale Patterns
          Buy lesson 2.28. Examples of All Scale Patterns
          Buy lesson 2.29. Adios to Level B Blues

Guitar > Jazz > Beginner - Intermediate with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Warm-Up

          Buy lesson 2.1. Welcome to Jazz Level B
          Buy lesson 2.2. Warm Up Right Every Single Time
          Buy lesson 2.3. Additional Warm Up Drills
Chapter 2: Review the Notes on the Neck

          Buy lesson 2.4. Memorizing the Notes on the Neck (Review)
          Buy lesson 2.5. Memorizing the Notes on the Neck Pt 2 (Review)
          Buy lesson 2.6. Memorizing the Notes on the Neck Pt 3 (Review)
Chapter 3: Intro to Jazz Scales

          Buy lesson 2.7. What Exactly Are Scales in Jazz?
          Buy lesson 2.8. Intro to the Major Scale for Jazz
          Buy lesson 2.9. Intro to the Minor Scale For Jazz
          Buy lesson 2.10. Difference Between Major and Minor Jazz Scales
          Buy lesson 2.11. The Secret of the Relative Minor [FREE]
          Buy lesson 2.12. Hear the Scales Demonstrated
Chapter 4: Left-Hand Techniques

          Buy lesson 2.13. Left-Hand Techniques: Pull-offs and Hammer-Ons
          Buy lesson 2.14. Left-Hand Techniques: Bending Strings
          Buy lesson 2.15. Left-Hand Techniques: Sliding Notes
          Buy lesson 2.16. Left-Hand Techniques: String Vibrato
Chapter 5: Intro to Bar Chords

          Buy lesson 2.17. An Introduction to Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.18. First Six-String Root Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.19. More Six-String Root Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.20. Bar-Chords Which Have 5th-String Roots
          Buy lesson 2.21. Halfway Through Level B Jazz
Chapter 6: Intro to Effects - Clean Sound

          Buy lesson 2.22. How to Get a Great Clean Jazz Sound
          Buy lesson 2.23. More on a Great Clean Jazz Sound
Chapter 7: Major Scale Patterns & Positions

          Buy lesson 2.24. The Major Scale in 5 Patterns - Pattern 1
          Buy lesson 2.25. The Major Scale in 5 Patterns - Pattern 2
          Buy lesson 2.26. The Major Scale in 5 Patterns - Pattern 3
          Buy lesson 2.27. The Major Scale in 5 Patterns - Pattern 4
          Buy lesson 2.28. The Major Scale in 5 Patterns - Pattern 5
          Buy lesson 2.29. Learn to Move Between Jazz Scale Patterns
          Buy lesson 2.30. Examples of all Jazz Scale Patterns
          Buy lesson 2.31. Adios to Level B Jazz

Guitar > Guitar Effects > Beginner with Marc Seal      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Clean Sound, Overdrive, & Distortion

          Buy lesson 1.1. Effects 101: How to Get a Great Clean Sound
          Buy lesson 1.2. Effects 101: More On a Great Clean Sound
          Buy lesson 1.3. Effects 101: Intro to the Distortion Effects [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.4. Effects 101: Famous Gear: Boss OD1 Pedal
          Buy lesson 1.5. Effects 101: The Boss Distortion 1 Pedal
          Buy lesson 1.6. Effects 101: Hendrix the Distortion King
Chapter 2: Understanding Reverb

          Buy lesson 1.7. Effects 101: Intro to Reverb Effects
          Buy lesson 1.8. Effects 101: Lots of Different Reverb Sounds
          Buy lesson 1.9. Effects 101: Still More Reverb Sounds
Chapter 3: Chorus, Flanger, & Phaser

          Buy lesson 1.10. Effects 101: Intro to Chorus Effects
          Buy lesson 1.11. Effects 101: Beyond Chorus to Flanger
          Buy lesson 1.12. Effects 101: Phaser Effects Explained
Chapter 4: Delay Tips and Tricks

          Buy lesson 1.13. Effects 101: How to Use Delay Effects
          Buy lesson 1.14. Effects 101: More About Delay Effects
          Buy lesson 1.15. Effects 101: Tricks with Delay Effects
          Buy lesson 1.16. Effects 101: Delay Pioneer David Gilmore
Chapter 5: Whammy Bar Tricks and Effects

          Buy lesson 1.17. Effects 101: Intro to Whammy Bar
          Buy lesson 1.18. Effects 101: Whammy Tricks with Clean Chords
          Buy lesson 1.19. Effects 101: Advanced Whammy Bar Tricks
          Buy lesson 1.20. Effects 101: More Advanced Whammy Tricks
          Buy lesson 1.21. Effects 101: Will Rays Compression & Sustain
          Buy lesson 1.22. Effects 101: Pitch Shifter and Vibrato
          Buy lesson 1.23. Effects 101: More on the Pitch Shifter
          Buy lesson 1.24. Effects 101: The Tube Screamer
          Buy lesson 1.25. Effects 101: Will Rays Sparkle Drive
          Buy lesson 1.26. Effects 101: Will Rays Reverb
          Buy lesson 1.27. Effects 101: Will Rays Slide Rings
          Buy lesson 1.28. Effects 101: Will Rays Volume Swells

John Heussenstamm John Heussenstamm

Guitar > Rock > Beginner with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course



          Buy lesson 1.2. Back in Black - Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.3. Back in Black - Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.4. Back in Black - Part 3

          Buy lesson 1.5. Sweet Home Alabama - Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.6. Sweet Home Alabama - Part 2

          Buy lesson 1.7. Sweet Child O Mine - Intro Part

          Buy lesson 1.8. Pride and Joy
          Buy lesson 1.9. Stevie Ray Vaughen: Cold Shot, History, and Gear

          Buy lesson 1.10. Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water - Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.11. Smoke on the Water Part 2 plus Gear Notes

          Buy lesson 1.12. Purple Haze Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.13. Purple Haze Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.14. Purple Haze Part 3
          Buy lesson 1.15. Foxy Lady
          Buy lesson 1.16. Jimi Hendrix Gear Secrets

          Buy lesson 1.17. Pedal Tones in GreenDay's Guitar Sound

          Buy lesson 1.18. Sunshine of Your Love Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.19. Sunshine of Your Love Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.20. Sunshine of Your Love Part 3
          Buy lesson 1.21. Sunshine of Your Love Part 4
          Buy lesson 1.22. Sunshine of Your Love Part 5 - Clapton's Gear

          Buy lesson 1.23. Crazy Train - A classic Ozzie riff.
          Buy lesson 1.24. Iron Man & Paranoid

          Buy lesson 1.25. Zeppelin's big hit Communication Breakdown
          Buy lesson 1.26. Moby Dick - More Zeppelin Guitar Techniques

          Buy lesson 1.27. Layla - Part 1 - Lead
          Buy lesson 1.28. Layla - Part 2 - Rhythm

          Buy lesson 1.29. La Grange - Roots in John Lee Hooker's Boogie
          Buy lesson 1.30. ZZ Top's Spin on La Grange Boogie
          Buy lesson 1.31. Pinch Harmonics in La Grange

          Buy lesson 1.32. Chuck Berry's Old School Classic - Intro
          Buy lesson 1.33. Johnny B Goode Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.34. Johnny B Goode Part 3
          Buy lesson 1.35. Johnny B Goode Part 4
          Buy lesson 1.36. Johnny B Goode Part 5
          Buy lesson 1.37. Johnny B Goode Part 6
          Buy lesson 1.38. Johnny B Goode Part 7
          Buy lesson 1.39. Johnny B Goode Part 8
          Buy lesson 1.40. Chuck Berry's Guitar Gear and Stories

          Buy lesson 1.41. The Fender Stratocaster
          Buy lesson 1.42. The Fender Telecaster
          Buy lesson 1.43. The Gibson Les Paul
          Buy lesson 1.44. The Gibson ES 335

          Buy lesson 1.45. Fender Amplifiers
          Buy lesson 1.46. Marshall Amplifiers
          Buy lesson 1.47. Pedals and Effects

Guitar > Blues > Intermediate with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Hints for Best Learning

          Buy lesson 3.1. Introduction - The Back Porch Approach
          Buy lesson 3.2. Introduction - The Back Porch Approach - Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.3. The Best Way to Learn from these Videos
Chapter 2: Intro to Pentatonic (Blues) Scales

          Buy lesson 3.4. The Three Basic Blues Scales
          Buy lesson 3.5. Why Learn Scales?
          Buy lesson 3.6. The Minor Pentatonic Scale
          Buy lesson 3.7. The Major Pentatonic Scale
          Buy lesson 3.8. The Minor Pentatonic Scale w 6th
          Buy lesson 3.9. Exercises With Scales
Chapter 3: Getting from Scales to Riffs

          Buy lesson 3.10. Getting From Scales to Actual Riffs
          Buy lesson 3.11. Famous Riffs - Clapton- Hendrix-Jimmy Page [FREE]
          Buy lesson 3.12. Playing with a Pick vs. Playing with Fingers
          Buy lesson 3.13. Why Play Major or Minor Scales
          Buy lesson 3.14. Halfway Through Level C Blues
Chapter 4: Hidden Octaves of Guitar

          Buy lesson 3.15. Johns Secret Weapon - Octaves of the Guitar
          Buy lesson 3.16. Octaves of the Guitar - The Minor Scale
Chapter 5: Left-Hand Coloration

          Buy lesson 3.17. Intro to Blues Coloration
          Buy lesson 3.18. Coloration - Slides
          Buy lesson 3.19. Coloration - Hammer-Ons
          Buy lesson 3.20. Coloration - Pull Offs
          Buy lesson 3.21. Coloration - String Bending
          Buy lesson 3.22. Coloration - Vibrato
Chapter 6: Great Blues Styles Pt 1 / Farewell

          Buy lesson 3.23. Great Blues Styles - B.B. King
          Buy lesson 3.24. Great Blues Styles - Eric Clapton
          Buy lesson 3.25. Great Blues Styles - Albert King
          Buy lesson 3.26. Preview of Level D Blues
          Buy lesson 3.27. Farewell to level C Blues

Guitar > Blues > Intermediate - Advanced with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Intro to Blues Rhythm Guitar

          Buy lesson 4.1. Welcome to Level D Blues
          Buy lesson 4.2. The Back Porch Approach Revisited
          Buy lesson 4.3. Intro to Rhythm Guitar in the Blues
          Buy lesson 4.4. How to Use the Lessons to Best Advantage
Chapter 2: Intro to Blues / Dominant Chords

          Buy lesson 4.5. Introduction to Left-Hand Skills
          Buy lesson 4.6. Study and Memorization of Chords
          Buy lesson 4.7. Chord Embellishment - The Ninth Chords
          Buy lesson 4.8. Chord Embellishment - The 6th and 13th Chords
Chapter 3: Secrets of Blues Chords

          Buy lesson 4.9. Finding Other Chords in a Blues Progression
          Buy lesson 4.10. Demonstrating the Six-Chord in the Blues
          Buy lesson 4.11. The Most Common Chords in the Blues
          Buy lesson 4.12. The Magic Six Chord
          Buy lesson 4.13. The Basic Blues Keys
          Buy lesson 4.14. Halfway Through Level D Blues
Chapter 4: Passing Chords & Double-Stops

          Buy lesson 4.15. Passing Chords and Neighboring Chords
          Buy lesson 4.16. Partial Chords and Left-Hand Muting
          Buy lesson 4.17. Chord Melody and the Blues
          Buy lesson 4.18. Pep Talk and Practice Hints
          Buy lesson 4.19. Double Stops in Blues Rhythm Guitar
          Buy lesson 4.20. Double Stops in Blues Rhythm Pt 2
Chapter 5: Great Blues Turnarounds

          Buy lesson 4.21. Turnarounds in the Blues
          Buy lesson 4.22. Turnarounds Part 2
Chapter 6: Blues Rhythms / Shuffles / Boogies

          Buy lesson 4.23. Right hand Rhythm - Introduction Pt 1
          Buy lesson 4.24. Right Hand Rhythm - Introduction Pt 2
          Buy lesson 4.25. Blues Rhythm Styles - Shuffles
          Buy lesson 4.26. Blues Rhythm Styles - Boogies Pt 1
          Buy lesson 4.27. Blues Rhythm Styles - Boogies Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.28. Blues Rhythm Styles - Slow Blues Rhythms
Chapter 7: Great Blues Rhythm Styles

          Buy lesson 4.29. Great Blues Rhythm Styles - Chuck Berry
          Buy lesson 4.30. Great Blues Rhythm Styles - Mike Bloomfield
          Buy lesson 4.31. Great Blues Rhythm Styles - Steve Cropper
          Buy lesson 4.32. Great Blues Rhythm Styles - Hollywood Fats
          Buy lesson 4.33. Great Blues Rhythm Styles - Bo Diddley
          Buy lesson 4.34. Great Rhythm Styles - More Bo Diddley
          Buy lesson 4.35. Preview of Blues E
          Buy lesson 4.36. Farewell to Blues Level D

Guitar > Blues > Advanced with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Intro / Minor Pentatonic Review

          Buy lesson 5.1. Welcome to Level E Blues
          Buy lesson 5.2. How I Got Started In The Blues
          Buy lesson 5.3. The Minor Pentatonic Scale - Review
          Buy lesson 5.4. The Major Pentatonic Scale - Review
          Buy lesson 5.5. The Minor Pentatonic Scale w 6th - Review
          Buy lesson 5.6. Exercises With Scales - Review
Chapter 2: Guitar Octaves Reviewed

          Buy lesson 5.7. Major Scale Octaves Review
          Buy lesson 5.8. Minor Scale Octaves Review
Chapter 3: Mixolydian and Diminished Scales

          Buy lesson 5.9. The Mixolydian Scale
          Buy lesson 5.10. Diminished Scales
          Buy lesson 5.11. Tired? Confused? Here is a Pep Talk
          Buy lesson 5.12. Halfway Through Level E Blues
Chapter 4: Phrasing Sequencing & Transposing

          Buy lesson 5.13. Phrasing and Memorization
          Buy lesson 5.14. Shifting/Phrasing
          Buy lesson 5.15. Sequencing
          Buy lesson 5.16. Transposing - Playing in Other Keys
          Buy lesson 5.17. Riffs in Different Keys
          Buy lesson 5.18. Pep Talk and Practice Hints
Chapter 5: More Great Blues Styles

          Buy lesson 5.19. Great Blues Styles - Albert Collins
          Buy lesson 5.20. Great Blues Styles - Stevie Ray Vaughn
          Buy lesson 5.21. Great Blues Styles - Mike Bloomfield
Chapter 6: Anatomy of a Blues Solo / Farewell

          Buy lesson 5.22. Introduction and Motifs (Signature Riffs)
          Buy lesson 5.23. Building Intensity - Slow to Fast
          Buy lesson 5.24. Building Intensity - Low to High
          Buy lesson 5.25. Building Intensity - Major to Minor
          Buy lesson 5.26. Building Intensity - Examples Major to Minor
          Buy lesson 5.27. Building Intensity - Examples With Motifs
          Buy lesson 5.28. Building Intensity - Mixolydian
          Buy lesson 5.29. Farewell to Level E Blues

Guitar > Jazz > Beginner with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Meet your Guitar

          Buy lesson 1.1. Getting Started in Jazz Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.2. Anatomy of a Guitar, Continued
          Buy lesson 1.3. Choosing the Right Guitar and Cables
Chapter 2: Tuning and Notes on the Guitar

          Buy lesson 1.4. Tuning the Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.5. The Names and Numbers of the Strings
          Buy lesson 1.6. The Notes on the Neck
          Buy lesson 1.7. Sharps and Flats - The Notes between the Notes
Chapter 3: Introducing the C Major Scale

          Buy lesson 1.8. Improvising: Positions and The Major Scale
          Buy lesson 1.9. Jazz Fingering - First Improvisation [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.10. First Three- and Four-Note Exercises in Jazz
          Buy lesson 1.11. Improvising Within a Major Scale
Chapter 4: More Guitar Lessons, Exercises and Higher Concepts

          Buy lesson 1.12. "Riffs" in the C Major Scale
          Buy lesson 1.13. Tougher Exercises: Improvisation on a Theme
          Buy lesson 1.14. Introduction to Intervals
          Buy lesson 1.15. Scales are Moveable!
Chapter 5: Introduction to Jazz Guitar Chords

          Buy lesson 1.16. Melody and Harmoney
          Buy lesson 1.17. First Position Chords for Jazz
          Buy lesson 1.18. Moving Basic Chords / More Notes on the Neck
          Buy lesson 1.19. Embellishing Chords: Beyond the 1-3-5
          Buy lesson 1.20. More on Chords: Moving and Transposing
Chapter 6: Dominant Chords and their Use in Jazz Guitar

          Buy lesson 1.21. Introduction to Minor and Dominant Chords
          Buy lesson 1.22. Dominant Chords Up and Down the Neck
          Buy lesson 1.23. Chord Keys and Families in Jazz
          Buy lesson 1.24. Creation of a "Key" in Jazz
          Buy lesson 1.25. The System of Numbering Chords
Chapter 7: Summary and Farewell to Beginner Jazz Guitar

          Buy lesson 1.26. The Study of Jazz
          Buy lesson 1.27. Farewell to Jazz Level A

Guitar > Jazz > Intermediate with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome & Intro to Jazz Chords

          Buy lesson 3.1. The Kitchen Sink Approach
          Buy lesson 3.2. Intro to Level C Jazz
          Buy lesson 3.3. Jazz Chords - Introduction
          Buy lesson 3.4. How to Use These Jazz Lessons
Chapter 2: Right Hand Technique

          Buy lesson 3.5. Right Hand Technique Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.6. Right Hand Technique Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.7. Right Hand Technique Part 3
Chapter 3: Chord Structure

          Buy lesson 3.8. Lets Get Organized - Triads and More
          Buy lesson 3.9. Chord Formulas - Dom 7 vs Maj 7
          Buy lesson 3.10. More Chord Formulas - Dim Aug Susp
          Buy lesson 3.11. More Formulas -Major 9 Major 13
Chapter 4: Chord Families & Substitution

          Buy lesson 3.12. Chord Families Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.13. Chord Families Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.14. Chord Substitution Demo
          Buy lesson 3.15. Halfway through Level C Jazz
Chapter 5: Chord Progressions

          Buy lesson 3.16. Chord Progressions
          Buy lesson 3.17. Chord Progressions Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.18. The Substitution Rule
Chapter 6: Chart Reading & Finding Chords

          Buy lesson 3.19. Chart Reading (Big Bands)
          Buy lesson 3.20. Chart Reading Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.21. Finding Chords Simplified
Chapter 7: Essential Chords

          Buy lesson 3.22. Essential Chords Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.23. Essential Chords Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.24. Essential Chords Part 3
Chapter 8: Chord Melody

          Buy lesson 3.25. Chord Melody Intervals Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.26. Chord Melody Intervals Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.27. Chord Melody Intervals Part 3
          Buy lesson 3.28. Chord Melody Intervals Demo
          Buy lesson 3.29. Chord Melody Intervals Part 4
          Buy lesson 3.30. Chord Melody Intervals Part 5
Chapter 9: Walking Bass Lines

          Buy lesson 3.31. Walking Bass Lines - Pt 1
          Buy lesson 3.32. Walking Bass Lines Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.33. Walking Bass Lines Demo
          Buy lesson 3.34. Preview Level D Jazz
          Buy lesson 3.35. Farewell to Level C Jazz

Guitar > Jazz > Intermediate - Advanced with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Warm-Up

          Buy lesson 4.1. Kitchen Sink Approach Revisited
          Buy lesson 4.2. Welcome to Level D Jazz
          Buy lesson 4.3. Repeat These Jazz D Lessons
          Buy lesson 4.4. Tuning By Ear
          Buy lesson 4.5. Tuning by Harmonics
          Buy lesson 4.6. Chromatic Scale Warmup
Chapter 2: C Major Scale & Pentatonics

          Buy lesson 4.7. C Major Scale - 7 Positions Pt 1
          Buy lesson 4.8. C Major Scale - 7 Positions Pt 2
          Buy lesson 4.9. C Major Scale With Pentatonics
          Buy lesson 4.10. Pentatonic Workout
          Buy lesson 4.11. Pentatonic Scale Intro - 5 Fingerings
Chapter 3: Arpeggios and Sweeps in Jazz

          Buy lesson 4.12. Arpeggio Studies with Sweeps
          Buy lesson 4.13. Harmonizing the Scale
          Buy lesson 4.14. Arpeggio Study 2
          Buy lesson 4.15. Final Arpeggio Study with Bass Notes
          Buy lesson 4.16. 3 Octave Arpeggio and Sweep Breakdown
          Buy lesson 4.17. Demo of Arpeggio Results
Chapter 4: Exercises & 3 / 6 Note Sequences

          Buy lesson 4.18. Exercises with 3 Notes
          Buy lesson 4.19. Exercises with 3 Notes Pt 2
          Buy lesson 4.20. Sequences with 6 Notes
          Buy lesson 4.21. Encouragement and Determination
          Buy lesson 4.22. Picking Techniques and Sequencing
          Buy lesson 4.23. Heavy Metal Demo (Al Di Meola)
Chapter 5: Meet the Modes

          Buy lesson 4.24. Modes Part 1
          Buy lesson 4.25. Modes Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.26. Modes Part 3
          Buy lesson 4.27. Halfway Through Level D Jazz
Chapter 6: Sweep Triads

          Buy lesson 4.28. Sweep Triads
          Buy lesson 4.29. Demonstrating Sweep Triads
          Buy lesson 4.30. Song Structure and the Major Scale
Chapter 7: Artists & Styles

          Buy lesson 4.31. Artists and Styles - Wes Montgomery Pt 1
          Buy lesson 4.32. Artists and Styles - Wes Montgomery Pt 2
          Buy lesson 4.33. Artists and Styles - Kenny Burrell
          Buy lesson 4.34. Artists and Styles - Joe Pass
          Buy lesson 4.35. Artists and Styles - Tito Guidotti
          Buy lesson 4.36. Artists and Styles - Robert Conti
          Buy lesson 4.37. Artists and Styles - Ted Greene
          Buy lesson 4.38. Artists and Styles - Pat Martino [FREE]
          Buy lesson 4.39. Artists and Styles - George Benson
          Buy lesson 4.40. Artists and Styles - Grant Green et al
          Buy lesson 4.41. Preview of Level E Jazz
          Buy lesson 4.42. Farewell to Level D Jazz

Guitar > Jazz > Advanced with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome and Hints for Best Learning

          Buy lesson 5.1. Welcome to Level E Jazz
          Buy lesson 5.2. How to Use These Jazz E Lessons
Chapter 2: Review the Modes

          Buy lesson 5.3. Modes Part 1- Review
          Buy lesson 5.4. Modes Part 2 - Review
          Buy lesson 5.5. Modes Part 3 - Review
Chapter 3: The Modes Applied in Jazz

          Buy lesson 5.6. Locate Modes in any Key - Ionian and Dorian
          Buy lesson 5.7. Locate Modes in Any Key - Phrygian Lydian
          Buy lesson 5.8. Modes in Any Key - Mixolydian and Locrian
          Buy lesson 5.9. Locate Modes in any Key - Aeolian
          Buy lesson 5.10. Modes Side-by-side in One Key
Chapter 4: Major Scale / Mode Exercises

          Buy lesson 5.11. Major Scale Exercises for All The Modes
          Buy lesson 5.12. Patterns Turn Into Sound
          Buy lesson 5.13. John Plays in the C Major Scale (Demo)
Chapter 5: Diminished Scales

          Buy lesson 5.14. Diminished Scales Pt 1
          Buy lesson 5.15. Diminished Scales Pt 2 - Fingering
          Buy lesson 5.16. Double Diminished Scales
          Buy lesson 5.17. Double Diminished Scales Pt 2
          Buy lesson 5.18. Double Diminished Scales Pt 3
          Buy lesson 5.19. Double Diminished Scales Pt 4
          Buy lesson 5.20. Halfway Through Jazz Level E
Chapter 6: Augmented and Jazz Minor Scales

          Buy lesson 5.21. Augmented Scale Pt 1
          Buy lesson 5.22. Augmented (Whole Tone) Scale - Pt 2
          Buy lesson 5.23. Harmonic Minor Scale Pt 1
          Buy lesson 5.24. Harmonic Minor Scale Part 2
          Buy lesson 5.25. Melodic (Jazz) Minor Scale
Chapter 7: Polyphonic / Intervallic Harmony

          Buy lesson 5.26. Polyphonic Harmony Pt 1
          Buy lesson 5.27. Polyphonic Harmony Pt 2
          Buy lesson 5.28. Intervalic Ideas
          Buy lesson 5.29. Intervalic Ideas Part 2
          Buy lesson 5.30. Intervalic Ideas Part 3
Chapter 8: Playing the Changes / Farewell

          Buy lesson 5.31. Playing the Changes Pt 1
          Buy lesson 5.32. Playing the Changes Pt 2
          Buy lesson 5.33. Playing the Changes - Nearest Note
          Buy lesson 5.34. Playing the Changes - Major to Minor
          Buy lesson 5.35. Playing the Changes - Jazz as Evolved Blues
          Buy lesson 5.36. Playing the changes - Circle of Fourths
          Buy lesson 5.37. Playing the Changes - Example 1
          Buy lesson 5.38. Playing the Changes - Example 2
          Buy lesson 5.39. Breaking Limitations
          Buy lesson 5.40. Farewell to Jazz Level E

Guitar > Notation > Beginner with John Heussenstamm      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Introductory Concepts

          Buy lesson 1.1. Welcome to Reading and Writing Music
          Buy lesson 1.2. Johns Music Reading Stories
          Buy lesson 1.3. The G Clef, Lines, and Spaces
          Buy lesson 1.4. Notes and Slashes, Sharps and Flats, Octaves
Chapter 2: Symbols & Musical Time

          Buy lesson 1.5. More Motivational Stories from John
          Buy lesson 1.6. More Music Symbols - Bar Lines and Tempo
          Buy lesson 1.7. More Symbols and Musical Time
Chapter 3: Rhythms and Rests

          Buy lesson 1.8. Johns Uncle Sax aka George Wilder
          Buy lesson 1.9. The Rhythm Wheel
          Buy lesson 1.10. Guitar Rhythms and Rests
          Buy lesson 1.11. More Rests Half-Notes and Ties
          Buy lesson 1.12. Rhythm Breakdown
Chapter 4: Rhythm Variations

          Buy lesson 1.13. Rhythm variations and Tablature
          Buy lesson 1.14. Writing and Reading Help Each Other
Chapter 5: Key Signatures

          Buy lesson 1.15. Key signatures - Sharps Naturals and Flats
          Buy lesson 1.16. Key Signatures Demonstrated
          Buy lesson 1.17. A complicated Key - Key of E
Chapter 6: Melody in Staff and Tablature

          Buy lesson 1.18. Study First Position Notes on Guitar in Tab
          Buy lesson 1.19. Study First Position Notes on Guitar in Tab Pt 2
          Buy lesson 1.20. A Simple Piece in Tab and Staff
          Buy lesson 1.21. Jazz Melody Demonstrated
          Buy lesson 1.22. Rock Melody Demonstrated
Chapter 7: Note Studies and Ledger Lines

          Buy lesson 1.23. Note Study
          Buy lesson 1.24. Note Study 2
          Buy lesson 1.25. Ledger Lines
          Buy lesson 1.26. Unison notes and their positions
          Buy lesson 1.27. Unison Notes Part 2
Chapter 8: Advanced Rhythm Concepts

          Buy lesson 1.28. Rhythm Studies
          Buy lesson 1.29. Dotted Notes
          Buy lesson 1.30. Rhythm Variations and Combinations
          Buy lesson 1.31. Rhythm Drill w 16ths and Rests
Chapter 9: Chords & Final Exam

          Buy lesson 1.32. Reading Chords [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.33. Chords Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.34. A Great Story - - A musical Lightbulb
          Buy lesson 1.35. Final Exam - Read this famous piece of music
          Buy lesson 1.36. Final Exam - Answers
          Buy lesson 1.37. Recap and Farewell from the Course

Rick Okie Rick Okie

Guitar > Country/Acoustic > Beginner with Rick Okie      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Intro / Basic Gear

          Buy lesson 1.1. Introduction and Welcome
          Buy lesson 1.2. Welcome to Level A Country/Folk
          Buy lesson 1.3. How to Use This Course
          Buy lesson 1.4. Basic Gear Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.5. Basic Gear Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.6. Tuning - Review
Chapter 2:

          Buy lesson 1.7. Intro to Chords
          Buy lesson 1.8. Basic Major Chords Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.9. Basic Major Chords Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.10. Basic Major Chords Part 3
          Buy lesson 1.11. Peptalk - Calluses
          Buy lesson 1.12. Basic Major Chords Part 4
          Buy lesson 1.13. Major Chords in Songs [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.14. Peptalk - Cramping Hands
          Buy lesson 1.15. Halfway Through Level A
Chapter 3: Diagrams & Nashville Notation

          Buy lesson 1.16. Intro to Chord Diagrams
          Buy lesson 1.17. Nashville Notation Part 1
          Buy lesson 1.18. Nashville Notation Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.19. Nashville Notation Part 3
          Buy lesson 1.20. Intro to Guitar Vision
          Buy lesson 1.21. Intro to Reading Music
          Buy lesson 1.22. Intro to Reading Music Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.23. Ways to Read Music - Tablature
Chapter 4: Minor Chords & Progressions

          Buy lesson 1.24. Basic Minor Chords
          Buy lesson 1.25. Peptalk - Bad / Mute Notes
          Buy lesson 1.26. Adding Minors to Songs
          Buy lesson 1.27. Adding Minors to Songs Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.28. Adding Minors to Songs Part 3
          Buy lesson 1.29. Preview of Level B
          Buy lesson 1.30. Farewell to Level A

Guitar > Country/Acoustic > Beginner - Intermediate with Rick Okie      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome / Nashville Notation Review

          Buy lesson 2.1. Welcome to Level B Acoustic/Country
          Buy lesson 2.2. The Best Way to Use These Lessons
          Buy lesson 2.3. Tuning - Review
          Buy lesson 2.4. Reviewing your Chord Diagrams
          Buy lesson 2.5. Intro to Guitar Vision - Review
          Buy lesson 2.6. Nashville Notation Part 1 - Review
          Buy lesson 2.7. Nashville Notation Part 2 - Review
          Buy lesson 2.8. Nashville Notation Part 3 - Review
          Buy lesson 2.9. Intro to Reading Music - Review
          Buy lesson 2.10. Intro to Reading Music Pt 2 - Review
          Buy lesson 2.11. Intro To Tablature - Review
Chapter 2: Basic Major Chords Reviewed

          Buy lesson 2.12. Basic Major Chords Part 1 Review
          Buy lesson 2.13. Basic Major Chords Part 2 - Review
          Buy lesson 2.14. Basic Major Chords Part 3 - Review
          Buy lesson 2.15. Basic Major Chords Part 4 - Review
          Buy lesson 2.16. Basic Minor Chords - Review
Chapter 3: Intro to Seventh Chords

          Buy lesson 2.17. Basic 7th Chords
          Buy lesson 2.18. Basic 7th Chords - Part 2
          Buy lesson 2.19. Using 7ths in Songs
          Buy lesson 2.20. Twelve Bar Blues
          Buy lesson 2.21. Peptalk - Slowing Down
Chapter 4: Strumming & Right-Hand Technique

          Buy lesson 2.22. Intro to Strumming
          Buy lesson 2.23. Partial Strummng
          Buy lesson 2.24. Alternating Bass
          Buy lesson 2.25. Peptalk - Arm Positions and Why
Chapter 5: Left-Hand Techniques and Variety

          Buy lesson 2.26. Left hand Techniques - Hammer-Ons
          Buy lesson 2.27. Hammer-Ons Part Two
          Buy lesson 2.28. Pull-Offs
          Buy lesson 2.29. Hammer-On and Pull-Off Demo
          Buy lesson 2.30. Slides [FREE]
          Buy lesson 2.31. Bends
          Buy lesson 2.32. Vibrato
          Buy lesson 2.33. Peptalk - Staying in Tune
Chapter 6: Bar Chords /Preview & Farewell

          Buy lesson 2.34. Bar Chords
          Buy lesson 2.35. Bar Chords Part 2
          Buy lesson 2.36. Partial Chords
          Buy lesson 2.37. Preview of Level C
          Buy lesson 2.38. Farewell to Level B

Guitar > Country/Acoustic > Intermediate with Rick Okie      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome / Nashville Notation Review

          Buy lesson 3.1. Welcome to Level C Acoustic/Country
          Buy lesson 3.2. How to Use These Acoustic/Country Lessons
          Buy lesson 3.3. How to Use These Acoustic/Country Lessons
          Buy lesson 3.4. Nashville Notation Part 1 - One More Time
          Buy lesson 3.5. Nashville Notation Part 2 - One More Time
          Buy lesson 3.6. Nashville Notation Part 3 - One More Time
          Buy lesson 3.7. Intro to Guitar Vision - One More Time
Chapter 2: Basic Bar Chords Reviewed

          Buy lesson 3.8. Bar Chords Reviewed
          Buy lesson 3.9. Bar Chords Part 2 - Reviewed
Chapter 3: Strengthening & Stretching

          Buy lesson 3.10. Strengthening and Stretching
          Buy lesson 3.11. Stretching Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.12. Stretching Part 2
Chapter 4: More Advanced Strums / Right Hand

          Buy lesson 3.13. More Advanced Strums/Rhythm
          Buy lesson 3.14. More Advanced Strumming Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.15. More Advanced Strumming - Reggae
          Buy lesson 3.16. Time Signatures 3/4 Time
          Buy lesson 3.17. Time Signatures - 6/8 Time
          Buy lesson 3.18. Bluegrass Strumming
          Buy lesson 3.19. Peptalk - Slowing Down
Chapter 5: Introduction to Fingerpicking

          Buy lesson 3.20. Intro to Fingerpicking
          Buy lesson 3.21. Fingerpicking - Pattern 1
          Buy lesson 3.22. Fingerpicking - Pattern 1 Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.23. Fingerpicking - Pattern 2
          Buy lesson 3.24. Fingerpicking - Pattern 3
          Buy lesson 3.25. Alternating Thumb - Blackbird Pt 1 [FREE]
          Buy lesson 3.26. Alternating Thumb - Blackbird Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.27. Alternating Thumb - Blackbird Pt 3
          Buy lesson 3.28. Peptalk - Playing and Singing
          Buy lesson 3.29. Preview of Country/Acoustic Level D
          Buy lesson 3.30. Farewell to Level C

Guitar > Country/Acoustic > Intermediate - Advanced with Rick Okie      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Welcome / Nashville Notation Review

          Buy lesson 4.1. Intro to Guitar Vision Revisited
          Buy lesson 4.2. Welcome to Level D Acoustic/Country
          Buy lesson 4.3. How to Best Use These Lessons Revisited
          Buy lesson 4.4. Nashville Notation Part 1 Revisited
          Buy lesson 4.5. Nashville Notation Part 2 Revisited
          Buy lesson 4.6. Nashville Notation Part 3 Revisited
Chapter 2: Fingerpicking Intro Reviewed

          Buy lesson 4.7. Fingerpicking Intro Reviewed
          Buy lesson 4.8. Fingerpicking Pattern 1 Reviewed
          Buy lesson 4.9. Fingerpicking Pattern 1 Part 2 Reviewed
          Buy lesson 4.10. Fingerpicking Pattern 2 Reviewed
          Buy lesson 4.11. Fingerpicking Pattern 3 Reviewed
Chapter 3: More Advanced Fingerpicking

          Buy lesson 4.12. Fingerpicking - Pattern 4
          Buy lesson 4.13. Fingerpicking - Pattern 5
          Buy lesson 4.14. Fingerpicking - Pattern 6
          Buy lesson 4.15. Freight Train - Demo [FREE]
          Buy lesson 4.16. Freight Train - Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.17. Freight Train - Part 3
          Buy lesson 4.18. Freight Train - Part 4
          Buy lesson 4.19. Freight Train - Ornamentation
          Buy lesson 4.20. Freight Train - Ornamentation - Part 2
Chapter 4: Picking with Four Fingers

          Buy lesson 4.21. Four-Finger Picking
          Buy lesson 4.22. Four-Finger Picking Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.23. Four Finger Pinching
          Buy lesson 4.24. Four Finger Applied:Pt 1
          Buy lesson 4.25. Four Finger Applied: Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.26. Four Finger Applied: Part 3
          Buy lesson 4.27. Transition From 3 to Four-Finger-Picking
          Buy lesson 4.28. Transition from 3 to 4 Finger Picking - Pt 2
Chapter 5: Influential Fingerstyle Artists

          Buy lesson 4.29. Influences - Paul Simon Part 1
          Buy lesson 4.30. Influences - Paul Simon Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.31. Influences - Paul Simon Part 3
          Buy lesson 4.32. Influences - Paul Simon Part 4
          Buy lesson 4.33. Influences - Peter Paul and Mary
          Buy lesson 4.34. Influences - Peter Paul and Mary - Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.35. Influences - Hank Williams
          Buy lesson 4.36. Influences - Garth Brooks
          Buy lesson 4.37. Influences - Grateful Dead
          Buy lesson 4.38. Farewell from Level D Country/Acoustic
          Buy lesson 4.39. Influences - Tom Petty
          Buy lesson 4.40. Influences - Bruce Springsteen
          Buy lesson 4.41. Influences - The Police

Curtis Fornadley Curtis Fornadley

Guitar > Rock > Beginner with Curtis Fornadley      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Rock with Curtis

          Buy lesson 1.1. The Electric Guitar And Its Parts
          Buy lesson 1.2. Holding the Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.3. Tuning the Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.4. First Sounds And Rhythm Concepts
          Buy lesson 1.5. Learning to Fret Notes [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.6. First Riffs Introduction To Melody
          Buy lesson 1.7. Left Hand Finger Independence
          Buy lesson 1.8. Learning All The Notes On The Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.9. Introduction To Chords
          Buy lesson 1.10. Power Chords

Will Ray Will Ray

Guitar > Rockabilly > Intermediate - Advanced with Will Ray      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Intro and Roots Fundamentals

          Buy lesson 4.1. Introduction to Roots
          Buy lesson 4.2. Five Positions of Major Chords - Intro
          Buy lesson 4.3. Five Positions of Major Chords Part 1
          Buy lesson 4.4. Five Positions of Major Chords Part 2
Chapter 2: Intro to Lick Study

          Buy lesson 4.5. Awesome Steel Guitar Lick
          Buy lesson 4.6. Awesome Steel Guitar Lick Demonstrated
          Buy lesson 4.7. Will Rays Favorite Intro Licks
Chapter 3: Licks from Country and Classical

          Buy lesson 4.8. Will Rays Slide Licks Part 1
          Buy lesson 4.9. Will Rays Slide Licks Pt 2
          Buy lesson 4.10. Jerry Garcia-style Mixolydian Lick Part 1
          Buy lesson 4.11. Jerry Garcia-style Mixolydian Lick Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.12. Will Rays Chord Position Anchors
Chapter 4: Danny Gatton/Pedal Steel Licks

          Buy lesson 4.13. Danny Gatton Licks - Intro
          Buy lesson 4.14. More Danny Gatton Licks
          Buy lesson 4.15. Pedal Steel Descending Lick
          Buy lesson 4.16. Steel Descending Lick Concluded w/ Demo
Chapter 5: Blues, Double Stops, and Squeals

          Buy lesson 4.17. Will Ray Teaches Johnny Winter Licks
          Buy lesson 4.18. Johnny Winter Licks Demonstrated
          Buy lesson 4.19. Will Rays Two String Triplets - Part 1
          Buy lesson 4.20. Two String Triplets Part 2
          Buy lesson 4.21. Right Hand Technique
          Buy lesson 4.22. Pick Choice
          Buy lesson 4.23. Pick Harmonics and Squeals
Chapter 6: Stealing from the Steel Guitar

          Buy lesson 4.24. Will Rays Favorite Bendy Steel Lick
          Buy lesson 4.25. Bendy Steel Lick Demo [FREE]
          Buy lesson 4.26. Great Steel Lick for Endings
          Buy lesson 4.27. Ending Steel Lick Demonstrated
          Buy lesson 4.28. Pedal Steel Fifths for Guitar
          Buy lesson 4.29. Pedal Steel Fifths Demonstration
Chapter 7: Peter Frampton to James Burton

          Buy lesson 4.30. Will Ray Teaches Peter Frampton Licks
          Buy lesson 4.31. Peter Frampton Licks Demonstrated
          Buy lesson 4.32. Will Rays Chicken Cluck
          Buy lesson 4.33. Will Rays Chicken Cluck Demo
          Buy lesson 4.34. Technique Compilation and Demonstration
Chapter 8: Will Rays Effects Rig

          Buy lesson 4.35. Will Rays Effects - Compression and Sustain
          Buy lesson 4.36. Will Rays Effects - Pitch Shifter and Vibrato
          Buy lesson 4.37. Will Rays Effects - More on the Pitch Shifter
          Buy lesson 4.38. Will Rays Effects - The Tube Screamer
          Buy lesson 4.39. Will Rays Effects - Reverb
          Buy lesson 4.40. Will Rays Slide Rings
          Buy lesson 4.41. Will Rays Volume Swells
          Buy lesson 4.42. inactive 05. Will Rays Effects - Sparkle Drive

Steve Trovato Steve Trovato

Guitar > Country/Acoustic > Advanced with Steve Trovato      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Introduction

          Buy lesson 5.1. Meet Steve Trovato
          Buy lesson 5.2. Summary of the Advanced Country Course
          Buy lesson 5.3. How to Use These Videos
          Buy lesson 5.4. Playing Fast and Clean in Country
          Buy lesson 5.5. Speed and Accuracy Part Two
Chapter 2: Chicken Pickin' and Double Stops

          Buy lesson 5.6. Introduction to Chicken’ Pickin’
          Buy lesson 5.7. Double Stops in the Keys of D and G
          Buy lesson 5.8. A classic Descending Double Stop Lick
          Buy lesson 5.9. Albert Lee’s Secrets of Learning Double Stops
          Buy lesson 5.10. All-Purpose G-Lick
          Buy lesson 5.11. All-purpose “A” Lick
Chapter 3: Pedal Steel Licks on Guitar

          Buy lesson 5.12. Intro to Pedal Steel Licks on the Guitar
          Buy lesson 5.13. How to Create Your Own Pedal Steel Licks
          Buy lesson 5.14. More Advanced Pedal Steel Bends
          Buy lesson 5.15. The Grand-Daddy of all Pedal Steel Licks
          Buy lesson 5.16. Blocking and Pre-Bends: Two Great Country Techniques
          Buy lesson 5.17. Pedal Steel Lessons Applied
Chapter 4: Stretch Voicings and Western Swing

          Buy lesson 5.18. Stretch Voicings
          Buy lesson 5.19. Slow Shuffles and Steel Licks
Chapter 5: Open String Licks

          Buy lesson 5.20. Open String Licks
          Buy lesson 5.21. Ascending G-Scale Open String Licks
          Buy lesson 5.22. Other Open String Licks
          Buy lesson 5.23. Open String Licks in Blues and Pentatonic Scales
          Buy lesson 5.24. A 7th Position Open String lick in E
          Buy lesson 5.25. Steve’s most Challenging E Chord
Chapter 6: Single String Licks

          Buy lesson 5.26. Single-string licks in Country Music – Part One
          Buy lesson 5.27. Chromatic Scales and Single Note country Lines
          Buy lesson 5.28. Another Single-String Lick in E
          Buy lesson 5.29. Making Up Your Own Licks
          Buy lesson 5.30. More on Transcribing to Create New Licks
          Buy lesson 5.31. Motifs in Country Lead Guitar
Chapter 7: Banjo Rolls on Guitar

          Buy lesson 5.32. Banjo Rolls in Country Music [FREE]
          Buy lesson 5.33. Banjo Rolls Part Two
          Buy lesson 5.34. Banjo Rolls Part Three
          Buy lesson 5.35. Banjo Rolls Part Four

Alphonso Johnson Alphonso Johnson

Bass > Rock > Intermediate - Advanced with Alphonso Johnson      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Intro and Scales

          Buy lesson 4.1. Introduction to Bass
          Buy lesson 4.2. Bass Lines in Major and Minor keys
          Buy lesson 4.3. Major Scales pt 1
          Buy lesson 4.4. Major Scales pt 2
          Buy lesson 4.5. Major Scales pt 3
          Buy lesson 4.6. Transition to Minor Scales
Chapter 2: Creating a Great Bass Line

          Buy lesson 4.7. Creating a Bass Line [FREE]
          Buy lesson 4.8. Creating a Bass Line- Demo
Chapter 3: Four String vs Five String Bass

          Buy lesson 4.9. Four String Bass
          Buy lesson 4.10. Five String Bass
Chapter 4: Choosing the Right Bass

          Buy lesson 4.11. Choosing the Right Bass for You
          Buy lesson 4.12. Alfonsos First Bass
Chapter 5: Right and Left Hand Techniques

          Buy lesson 4.13. Right Hand Techniques
          Buy lesson 4.14. Left Hand Techniques
Chapter 6: Tricky Rhythm Topics

          Buy lesson 4.15. Playing Eighth Notes
          Buy lesson 4.16. Playing Behind the Beat
          Buy lesson 4.17. Playing on Top of the Beat
Chapter 7: Advanced Techniques and Influences

          Buy lesson 4.18. Swing and Shuffle
          Buy lesson 4.19. Double Stops
          Buy lesson 4.20. Slapping and Snapping
          Buy lesson 4.21. Influences

Gregory Newton Gregory Newton

Guitar > Classical > Beginner - Intermediate with Gregory Newton      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Intro & Meet The Teacher

          Buy lesson 2.1. Introduction
          Buy lesson 2.2. Meet the Teacher
Chapter 2: Parts of the Classical Guitar

          Buy lesson 2.3. Parts of the Classical Guitar Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.4. Parts of the Classical Guitar Pt 2
          Buy lesson 2.5. Parts of the Classical Guitar Pt 3
Chapter 3: Classical Playing Posture

          Buy lesson 2.6. General Posture Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.7. General Posture Pt 2
          Buy lesson 2.8. General Posture Pt 3
          Buy lesson 2.9. General Posture Pt 4
          Buy lesson 2.10. Alexander Technique
Chapter 4: Classical Sitting Position

          Buy lesson 2.11. Sitting Position Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.12. Sitting Position Pt 2
          Buy lesson 2.13. Footstool and Alternatives Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.14. Footstool and Alternatives Pt 2
          Buy lesson 2.15. Sitting Position Pt 3
          Buy lesson 2.16. Sitting Position Pt 4
          Buy lesson 2.17. Sitting Position Pt 5
          Buy lesson 2.18. Sitting Position Pt 6
          Buy lesson 2.19. Sitting Position Pt 7
          Buy lesson 2.20. Sitting Position Pt 8
Chapter 5: Basic Hand Positions

          Buy lesson 2.21. Basic Left Hand positions
          Buy lesson 2.22. Basic Right Hand Positions [FREE]
Chapter 6: Fingernails - Introduction

          Buy lesson 2.23. Nails - Overview
          Buy lesson 2.24. Nails - History
          Buy lesson 2.25. Nails - Three Approaches to Tone
          Buy lesson 2.26. Nails - Types and Challenges Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.27. Nails - Types and Challenges Pt 2
Chapter 7: Fingernail Care and Repair

          Buy lesson 2.28. Nails - Ways of Shaping
          Buy lesson 2.29. Nails - How to File and Smooth Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.30. Nails - How to File and Smooth Pt 2
          Buy lesson 2.31. Nails - How to File and Smooth Pt 3
          Buy lesson 2.32. Nails - How to File and Smooth Pt 4
          Buy lesson 2.33. Nails - How to File and Smooth Pt 5
          Buy lesson 2.34. Nails - Keeping Them Healthy
          Buy lesson 2.35. Nails - Protecting Them From Damage
          Buy lesson 2.36. Nails - Repairing a Damaged Nail Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.37. Nails - Repairing a Damaged Nail Pt 2
          Buy lesson 2.38. Nails - Repairing Broken Nails Pt 1
          Buy lesson 2.39. Nails - Repairing Broken Nails Pt 2

Guitar > Classical > Intermediate with Gregory Newton      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Reviewing Classical Hand Positions

          Buy lesson 3.1. Right-Hand Positions Review - Pt 1
          Buy lesson 3.2. Right-Hand Positions Review - Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.3. Right Hand - Wrist
Chapter 2: The Stroke and Classical Tone

          Buy lesson 3.4. The Importance of Tone
          Buy lesson 3.5. Components of a Stroke
          Buy lesson 3.6. Stroke - Details [FREE]
Chapter 3: Free Strokes & Rest Strokes

          Buy lesson 3.7. Two Types of Stroke
          Buy lesson 3.8. Free Stroke - Finger
          Buy lesson 3.9. Free Stroke - Thumb
          Buy lesson 3.10. Rest Stroke - Fingers
          Buy lesson 3.11. Rest Stroke - Fingers Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.12. Rest Stroke - Thumb
Chapter 4: Alternations & Vertical Aspect

          Buy lesson 3.13. The Vertical Aspect
          Buy lesson 3.14. Importance of Alternations
          Buy lesson 3.15. Importance - Alternating Free/Rest Strokes
          Buy lesson 3.16. Alternation Combinations Pt 1
          Buy lesson 3.17. Alternation Combinations Pt 2
Chapter 5: Thumb Rest & Right Hand Exercises

          Buy lesson 3.18. Rest Right Hand Thumb
          Buy lesson 3.19. Plan for Resting the Thumb
          Buy lesson 3.20. Transversing Strings
          Buy lesson 3.21. Basic Open String Exercises Pt 1
          Buy lesson 3.22. Basic Open String Exercises Pt 2
Chapter 6: Left Hand Variations and Drills

          Buy lesson 3.23. Left Hand Position Review Pt 1
          Buy lesson 3.24. Left Hand Position Review Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.25. Left Hand Position Review Pt 3
          Buy lesson 3.26. Left Hand Finger Designations
          Buy lesson 3.27. Left Hand Exercises Pt 1
          Buy lesson 3.28. Left Hand Exercises Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.29. Variation on Left Hand Exercises Pt 1
          Buy lesson 3.30. Variation on Left Hand Exercises Pt 2
          Buy lesson 3.31. Recap

Bill Yates Bill Yates

Slide Guitar > Country/Acoustic > Advanced with Bill Yates      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Intro to Slide Guitar

          Buy lesson 5.1. Intro to Slide Guitar [FREE]
          Buy lesson 5.2. How to Use These Advanced Country Lessons
          Buy lesson 5.3. Tuning and Transposing
          Buy lesson 5.4. Using the Slide - Part 1
          Buy lesson 5.5. Using the Slide - Part 2
          Buy lesson 5.6. Using the Slide - Part 3
Chapter 2: Slide Techniques for Both Hands

          Buy lesson 5.7. Slide Technique
          Buy lesson 5.8. Slide Technique - Left Hand
          Buy lesson 5.9. Slide Technique - Right Hand
          Buy lesson 5.10. Recap/Review of Slide Lessons
Chapter 3: Great Slide Guitar Styles

          Buy lesson 5.11. Intro to Slide Styles
          Buy lesson 5.12. Examples of Slide Styles Part 1
          Buy lesson 5.13. Examples of Slide Styles Part 2
          Buy lesson 5.14. Examples of Slide Styles Part 3

Al Baca Al Baca

Bass > Rock > Beginner with Al Baca      Buy online course


          Buy lesson 1.1. Intro to Al Baca Beginner Bass
          Buy lesson 1.2. Who is Al Baca?
          Buy lesson 1.3. How to Use These Bass Lessons

          Buy lesson 1.4. Anatomy of a Bass Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.5. Buying Your First Bass

          Buy lesson 1.6. A Guide to Your Bass Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.7. Bass Pickups A to Z
          Buy lesson 1.8. Fingers Versus Pick on Bass

          Buy lesson 1.9. Bass Basics - Strings and Frets
          Buy lesson 1.10. Notes on the E String
          Buy lesson 1.11. Notes on the A String
          Buy lesson 1.12. Introduction to Bass Scales

          Buy lesson 1.13. Intro to Hand Position on the Bass
          Buy lesson 1.14. Pitfalls of Bass Technique
          Buy lesson 1.15. Open Strings and Bass Vibrato [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.16. More on Bass Vibrato

          Buy lesson 1.17. Beef It Up - Open Strings and Octaves
          Buy lesson 1.18. Playing In The Pocket
          Buy lesson 1.19. Left Hand Bass Exercises

          Buy lesson 1.20. Harmonics and Slides on Bass Guitar
          Buy lesson 1.21. Right Hand Placement on the Bass
          Buy lesson 1.22. Right Hand Stops and Mutes on Bass
          Buy lesson 1.23. Blending All the Techniques
          Buy lesson 1.24. More on Bass Muting and Percussion
          Buy lesson 1.25. Congrats and Farewell from Beginner Bass

Bass > Rock > Intermediate with Al Baca      Buy online course


          Buy lesson 3.1. Intro to Al Baca Intermediate Bass
          Buy lesson 3.2. Who is Al Baca?
          Buy lesson 3.3. How to Use These Bass Lessons

          Buy lesson 3.4. Open Strings Octaves and Bass Percussion
          Buy lesson 3.5. Playing Bass In The Pocket
          Buy lesson 3.6. Blending All the Techniques
          Buy lesson 3.7. More on Muting and Percussion

          Buy lesson 3.8. Bass Hammer-Ons Pull-Offs and Slides
          Buy lesson 3.9. Hammer-On Drill for Bass Players
          Buy lesson 3.10. Pull-Off/Slide Drill for Bass

          Buy lesson 3.11. Introduction to Bass Scales
          Buy lesson 3.12. the Place of the Bass in the Band
          Buy lesson 3.13. The Bass in the Band Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.14. Pick or Fingers Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.15. Pick or Fingers Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.16. Bass Slapping Technique Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.17. Bass Slapping Technique Part 2

          Buy lesson 3.18. The Bass in Songwriting Part 1
          Buy lesson 3.19. The Bass in Songwriting Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.20. Overcoming Fear of Songwriting
          Buy lesson 3.21. Moods and Textures in Bass Playing

          Buy lesson 3.22. More Bass Songwriting - Altered Tunings [FREE]
          Buy lesson 3.23. Melody on the Bass - Viv Campbell
          Buy lesson 3.24. Altered Tunings and Songwriting Options
          Buy lesson 3.25. Lowered Tuning & the Band Context
          Buy lesson 3.26. Bass Players Versus Guitar Players

          Buy lesson 3.27. Bass Tone - The Bass Amplifier
          Buy lesson 3.28. The Bass Rig - Practical Tips
          Buy lesson 3.29. Bass Tone -the Bass Cabinet & Speakers
          Buy lesson 3.30. Bass Tone - Modeling Amps?

          Buy lesson 3.31. Al Bacas Tone Revealed From A to Z
          Buy lesson 3.32. Al Bacas Pedal Board Tips
          Buy lesson 3.33. Al Bacas Pedal Board Part 2
          Buy lesson 3.34. Farewell to Al Baca Intermediate Bass

Dweezil Zappa Dweezil Zappa

Guitar > Rock > Celebrity with Dweezil Zappa      Buy online course

Chapter 1:

          Buy lesson 6.1. Introduction
          Buy lesson 6.2. Control room
          Buy lesson 6.3. Hendrix strat
          Buy lesson 6.4. Frank Zappa Les Paul [FREE]
          Buy lesson 6.5. Van Halen strat
          Buy lesson 6.6. Playing guitar. Part 1
          Buy lesson 6.7. Playing guitar. Part 2
          Buy lesson 6.8. Whadahell 1
          Buy lesson 6.9. Whadahell 2
          Buy lesson 6.10. Whadahell 3
          Buy lesson 6.11. Whadahell 4
          Buy lesson 6.12. Whadahell 5 - cooking show and the industry
          Buy lesson 6.13. Whadahell 6 - industry
          Buy lesson 6.14. Whadahell 7 - guitarists then and now. Part 1
          Buy lesson 6.15. Whadahell 8 - guitarists then and now. Part 2
          Buy lesson 6.16. Whadahell 9 - llearn through others
          Buy lesson 6.17. Whadahell 10 - originality in your playing
          Buy lesson 6.18. Whadahell 11 - dweezel on the music of today
          Buy lesson 6.19. Whadahell 12 - a story
          Buy lesson 6.20. Whadahell 13 - mean streets

Jeff Baxter Jeff Baxter

Guitar > Rock > Beginner with Jeff Baxter      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Introduction

          Buy lesson 1.1. Meet Guitar Legend Jeff Baxter
          Buy lesson 1.2. Jeff Baxter on Guitar History and Neck Geometry
          Buy lesson 1.3. Chord Voicings and Guitar Psychology
          Buy lesson 1.4. Dominant Sevenths and Player/Audience Relationship
Chapter 2: Phrasing and entering "The Groove"

          Buy lesson 1.5. Style and Phrasing for Guitarists
          Buy lesson 1.6. Jeff Baxter on "The Groove"
          Buy lesson 1.7. Escaping the Rut of "The One"
          Buy lesson 1.8. Kicking the cliché licks
          Buy lesson 1.9. The magic of singing what you play
          Buy lesson 1.10. The Link Between Breathing and Phrasing
Chapter 3: Jeff Baxter on Picking

          Buy lesson 1.11. Jeff Baxter on How to Learn Speed-Picking [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.12. Jeff Baxter on "Hybrid Picking"
          Buy lesson 1.13. Jeff Baxter on "Hybrid Picking" Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.14. Jeff Baxter on his favorite picking patterns
Chapter 4: Electronics of the Guitar

          Buy lesson 1.15. Jeff Baxter introduces the Guitar Synthesizer
          Buy lesson 1.16. Jeff Baxter on Reverb Theory and Practice
          Buy lesson 1.17. Jeff Baxter on Compression Theory and Practice
          Buy lesson 1.18. Jeff Baxter on Chorus Theory and Practice
          Buy lesson 1.19. Jeff Baxter on Equalization Theory and Practice
          Buy lesson 1.20. Jeff Baxter on Equalization Theory and Practice Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.21. A mind-blowing theory of the guitar, sound waves, and light
          Buy lesson 1.22. Jeff Baxter on pickups and their sounds
Chapter 5: Working with Others in a Band

          Buy lesson 1.23. Jeff Baxter on Guitar Etiquette in band settings
          Buy lesson 1.24. Jeff Baxter on "clearing a path" in a band
          Buy lesson 1.25. Jeff Baxter on "Its not what you play"
          Buy lesson 1.26. Jeff Baxter on Creating a Solo
          Buy lesson 1.27. Jeff Baxter on Solo Building Part 2
          Buy lesson 1.28. Jeff Baxter on Solo Building Part 3
          Buy lesson 1.29. Adding relative scales to solos to escape monotony
          Buy lesson 1.30. Putting it all together - "America" as a guitar solo

Larry Carlton Larry Carlton

Guitar > Jazz > Celebrity with Larry Carlton      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Meet Larry Carlton

          Buy lesson 6.1. Meet Larry Carlton
          Buy lesson 6.2. What's Larry Carlton up to?
Chapter 2: Larry Carlton and the Blues

          Buy lesson 6.3. Larry Carlton Blues jam
          Buy lesson 6.4. Larry's Blues Inspirations
          Buy lesson 6.5. When Blues Meets Jazz...
Chapter 3: Larry Carlton on Building a Solo

          Buy lesson 6.6. Building a Solo - Part 1
          Buy lesson 6.7. Building a Solo - Part 2
          Buy lesson 6.8. Larry’s Theory of Scales and Chords
          Buy lesson 6.9. Chord Upon Chord – Minor Keys
          Buy lesson 6.10. Larry Carlton "Funky Interlude"
Chapter 4: Larry Carlton on Being a Career Guitarist

          Buy lesson 6.11. Larry Carlton’s Tips for Young Guitarists [FREE]
          Buy lesson 6.12. Larry and Travis Jam on Autumn Leaves
          Buy lesson 6.13. Larry Carlton on Listening, Arranging, and Career-Building
          Buy lesson 6.14. Reading Charts, Playing Sessions, Studying Music
          Buy lesson 6.15. The Life of a Session Guitarist
          Buy lesson 6.16. A Near-Death Experience Leads to Musical and Personal Epiphanies
Chapter 5: Practical Guitar Tips and Musical Study

          Buy lesson 6.17. Picking a Guitar: Larry’s Famous ES 335 Guitar and its Tone
          Buy lesson 6.18. Larry’s Acoustic Guitar – Mike McGuire Custom Special
          Buy lesson 6.19. Larry Carlton on Practice and Discipline
          Buy lesson 6.20. Larry Carlton on Right-Hand Technique
          Buy lesson 6.21. "Teaching Travis"
Chapter 6: Larry Carlton in the Jazz Universe

          Buy lesson 6.22. Larry Carlton's Influences
          Buy lesson 6.23. Larry Carlton’s Dream Band
          Buy lesson 6.24. Larry Carlton’s Discology
          Buy lesson 6.25. Larry Carlton’s Most Vivid Memory of a Famous Guitarist
          Buy lesson 6.26. Larry Carlton – Farewell Blues Jam

Steve Lukather Steve Lukather

Guitar > Fusion/Rock/Jazz > Celebrity with Steve Lukather      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Introduction and Studio Tips

          Buy lesson 6.1. Steve plays in. A musical introduction.
          Buy lesson 6.2. Introducing Phil Soussan; microphone technique 101
          Buy lesson 6.3. "Use your ears."  The sweet-spot and off-axis miking
          Buy lesson 6.4. "No rules when recording" Experimentation, multi-miking, reflected sound.
          Buy lesson 6.5. "Small adjustments – Big difference."  Leslie cabinets and other tricks
Chapter 2: Inside the Control Room

          Buy lesson 6.6. Steve’s studio: the "Dark Side of the Moon" Board.
          Buy lesson 6.7. The engineer’s role: more gear does not equal better sound.
          Buy lesson 6.8. "Addicted to Effects." Getting a great "dry" guitar sound.
Chapter 3: Beyond the "Dry" Sound

          Buy lesson 6.9. Beyond the dry sound: attack, presence, and "air" in your sound.
          Buy lesson 6.10. EQ, low end, and "Funk."
          Buy lesson 6.11. Introduction to Compression
          Buy lesson 6.12. "Tales from the Control Room" Hands on compression with Phil Soussan.
          Buy lesson 6.13. Compression Part Three: "Subtracting" with Compression.
Chapter 4: Steve Lukather on Reverb, Delay, and his own sound

          Buy lesson 6.14. "Guitar From the Clouds": Steve Lukather’s personal sound explained. [FREE]
          Buy lesson 6.15. Final words: it’s not the gear, it’s the player.

Logan Mader Logan Mader

Guitar > Rock > Beginner with Logan Mader      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Meet Logan Mader

          Buy lesson 1.1. Meet Logan Mader
          Buy lesson 1.2. Logan's First Exercise and Drill
          Buy lesson 1.3. Logan's Second Exercise and Drill
Chapter 2: The Logan Mader Style

          Buy lesson 1.4. Logan Mader on his own style: Natural Harmonics and Muting
          Buy lesson 1.5. New Tune from Logan Mader: "Broken Wings"
          Buy lesson 1.6. Logan Teaches "Davidian" - A Machinehead Classic [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.7. Logan Mader on Melody - "Take my Scar"
Chapter 3: A Tour of Clown Records

          Buy lesson 1.8. Studio Tour: Logan Mader at Clown Records!
          Buy lesson 1.9. Logan Mader Demos the Rig He Plays with "New Black"
          Buy lesson 1.10. Logan on His Rig - Part Two - Less Distortion = More Heavy
          Buy lesson 1.11. Logan Mader on Miking a Guitar Cabinet
          Buy lesson 1.12. Logan on His Tools - Writing, Recording and Mixing
Chapter 4: Bonus Clip

          Buy lesson 1.13. Bonus Clip: See New Black Live!

Greg Harrison Greg Harrison

Guitar > Shred > Beginner with Greg Harrison      Buy online course

Chapter 1:

          Buy lesson 1.1. Shred Intro & Sample 1
          Buy lesson 1.2. Shred Tone
          Buy lesson 1.3. Three notes per string scale in C [FREE]
          Buy lesson 1.4. Second position is G
          Buy lesson 1.5. A at the 5th fret
          Buy lesson 1.6. Now start on B
          Buy lesson 1.7. This is the tonic position C
          Buy lesson 1.8. On to the D position
          Buy lesson 1.9. The third note in the scale E
          Buy lesson 1.10. Back to F
          Buy lesson 1.11. Legato warm up
          Buy lesson 1.12. Demonstrate legato
          Buy lesson 1.13. Legato Sequence
          Buy lesson 1.14. Eighth not sixteenth note triplets
          Buy lesson 1.15. All about picking
          Buy lesson 1.16. Picking example 2
          Buy lesson 1.17. Alternate picking
          Buy lesson 1.18. Picking position shifts
          Buy lesson 1.19. Ascending groups of six
          Buy lesson 1.20. Combination picking
          Buy lesson 1.21. Wrap up and intro to #2
          Buy lesson 1.22. Review lesson 1

Al Bonhomme Al Bonhomme

Guitar > Country/Acoustic > Beginner - Intermediate with Al Bonhomme      Buy online course

          Buy lesson 2.1. Introduction
          Buy lesson 2.2. Major pentatonic scale patterns
          Buy lesson 2.3. Pattern 1 ideas
          Buy lesson 2.4. Pattern 2 ideas
          Buy lesson 2.5. Extended major pentatonic patterns
          Buy lesson 2.6. Extended major pentatonic scale ideas [FREE]
          Buy lesson 2.7. Extended pentatonic scale ideas 2
          Buy lesson 2.8. Ramblin Man
          Buy lesson 2.9. Minor pentatonic scale
          Buy lesson 2.10. Minor pentatonic examples
          Buy lesson 2.11. Advanced pentatonic concepts
          Buy lesson 2.12. Pentatonic licks in A
          Buy lesson 2.13. Pentatonic licks in C
          Buy lesson 2.14. Pentatonic licks in E
          Buy lesson 2.15. Goodbye

Ray Parker Jr Ray Parker Jr

Guitar > Fusion/Rock/Jazz > Celebrity with Ray Parker Jr      Buy online course

Chapter 1: Introducing Ray Parker Junior

          Buy lesson 6.1. Who is Ray Parker Junior?
          Buy lesson 6.2. History of Ray Parker Junior
          Buy lesson 6.3. Ray Parker Current Projects
          Buy lesson 6.4. Ray Parker Talks About His Band Raydio
          Buy lesson 6.5. More on Ray Parker and His Current Projects
Chapter 2: Influences

          Buy lesson 6.6. Ray Parker Discusses His Influences
Chapter 3: Advice

          Buy lesson 6.7. Ray Parker - Advice to New Players [FREE]
          Buy lesson 6.8. Ray Parker on Picking Band Members
          Buy lesson 6.9. Ray Talks About Equipment
Chapter 4: Technique

          Buy lesson 6.10. Ray Parker Talks Picking
          Buy lesson 6.11. Ray Parker on Left-Hand Technique
          Buy lesson 6.12. Ray Parker on Left-Hand Technique Pt 2
          Buy lesson 6.13. Ray Talks Tuning
          Buy lesson 6.14. Ray Demonstrates Ghostbusters
          Buy lesson 6.15. Ray Talks About His Work in Sessions
Chapter 5: Final Thoughts

          Buy lesson 6.16. Farewell from Ray Parker Jr

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